Can You Get Invisalign at 13? | Dr. Scott Ralph Orthodontics

Can You Get Invisalign at 13?

Can You Get Invisalign at 13? Yes, you can. In fact, Align Technology makes a special type of tray aligners just for teens. Because treatment is more patient-centered and the trays are removable, teens enjoy the freedom. Give your teen a boost of self-esteem and self-confidence!

Is Invisalign Teen Different?

Not really. Invisalign Teen uses the same technology and SmartTrack material as adult Invisalign. They use the same computer imaging and construction. Instructions for wearing the alignment trays are the same also. The one difference is the optional blue dot.

Invisalign trays can have the optional blue dot that disappears when trays are worn correctly over two weeks. Parents find the blue dot system helpful in monitoring their teen’s treatment, especially at the beginning. It takes approximately 21 days to form a new habit. With the blue dot, parents can help remind their teens to wear the trays (without nagging). Once the habit is there, you can get the next set of trays in the series without the reminder dot.

Patients should wear Invisalign trays for 20 to 22 hours each day. Teens wear each tray set for about two weeks, then switch to the next set in the series. Appointments for checkups occur every 6 to 8 weeks depending on the treatment plan. Teens receive a new series of tray sets during checkups.

Great Oral Care for Successful Treatment

One of the most important parts of Invisalign Teen treatment is maintaining good oral hygiene. Following the tips below will help your treatment stay on track:

  • Rinse trays when removing them for meals
  • Store trays in the storage case when not in your mouth
  • Brush and floss after every meal
  • Brush your trays frequently with a soft-bristled brush
  • Soak trays daily to deep clean them
  • Avoid drinking anything other than water while wearing trays

Taking care of your tray aligners and your oral hygiene will ensure success.

If you lose or damage one of the trays don’t panic. Contact Dr. Ralph. He may replace the tray, or if it is near time for you to shift to the next set, he may recommend doing that early. It is important not to wait, though. Call the office as soon as you notice the tray missing or notice the damage. Although Invisalign Teen is patient-centered, the doctor should decide whether or not to replace the tray.

There are no dietary restrictions with Invisalign because patients remove the trays for eating and drinking. To make sure the trays remain in long enough each day, remember to brush your teeth and reinsert them after each meal.

Yes, You Can Get Invisalign at 13

Whether you are a teen checking out Invisalign for yourself or a parent researching for your teen, Invisalign is an option worth considering.

To set up a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Scott Ralph Orthodontics, simply complete the information and submit the form. Select either of our two locations at Liberty Lake or Spokane South Hill. We look forward to hearing from you!

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