Sports Mouthguards in Liberty Lake and Spokane

Sports Mouthguards

Wearing a sports mouthguard is essential to protect your teeth from potential damage from a sudden impact. Dr. Scott Ralph Orthodontist would prefer patients to wear sports mouthguards whether they are currently in braces or not. There are many kinds of sports mouthguards available, and Dr. Scott Ralph wants every patient to find the one that is best for them.

What Is A Sports Mouthguard?

Sports Mouthguards

A sports mouthguard is a special aligner made out of soft plastic that you place over your teeth to protect them from damage during activities such as basketball, football, lacrosse, baseball, and other contact and non-contact sports that put your teeth at risk of taking a serious hit.

Sports mouthguards typically protect just the upper teeth, but people wearing braces should get mouthguards that fit the upper and lower teeth.

What Are The Different Types Of Sports Mouthguards?

There are three main types of sports mouthguards, any of which will protect your teeth on the playing field or in the gym.

  • Stock

Stock sports mouthguards are generic aligners that are pre-formed and ready to wear right out of the package. While they are generally cheap and are available in just about any store with a sporting goods section, stock mouthguards do not adjust and won’t fit perfectly. They usually make breathing and talking more difficult as well. As such, dentists do not recommend them, although any protection is better than none at all.

  • Boil & Bite

These mouthguards are also generally available, but they are different. Boil & Bite mouthguards are best when you heat them up by boiling or microwaving to soften them. No worries, they are made of thermoplastic material. After softening, the wearer can place the aligner over their teeth and use their finger and tongue to make it fit, offering more protection than a stock mouthguard. There’s even a brand that is ADA- approved.

  • Custom

The best kind of sports mouthguard, of course, is a custom mouthguard that is made to fit your mouth and over your teeth to provide maximum protection. This is done by making an impression or mold of your teeth. A custom mouthguard is made of stronger materials and will last longer. However, they are a little more expensive but less costly than it would be to fix your teeth if you choose to go without one.

Who Should Use A Sports Mouthguard?

Sports Mouthguards

Anyone who participates in sports activities should wear a mouthguard to protect their teeth from impacts with other players, sports equipment, or the ground itself. You only have one set of permanent adult teeth. Keeping them intact is vital to your overall health and will save you money because you won’t need to pay to fix damaged teeth.

What Kind Of Injuries Can Sports Mouthguards Prevent?

Sports mouthguards can prevent a variety of injuries that you could sustain during play. This includes injuries to your tongue, lips, and other mouth tissues in addition to protecting your teeth from chips, cracks, breaks, or from being knocked out entirely. Should you suffer a knocked-out tooth, recover the tooth and place it in a cup of milk to preserve it on your way to the dentist. It’s possible it can be saved.

How Do I Clean A Mouthguard?

You can clean a mouthguard by using soapy cold water and rinsing. You can even rinse it with mouthwash.  Keeping your mouthguard clean prevents the growth of bacteria that can be harmful to your teeth and gums. Be sure to always store your mouthguard in a clean case to protect it while you are not using it.

When Should I Replace My Sports Mouthguard?

Sports mouthguards can last for years as long as you take care of them. Replace it if you notice any damage or too much wear. A thin mouthguard won’t do you any good. Replace a child’s mouthguard regularly because a child’s mouth and teeth are still developing and are constantly changing.

Can I Wear Invisalign In Place Of A Sports Mouthguard?

What Can I Drink With Invisalign In?

Invisalign is a series of clear removable aligners that correct misalignments by shifting teeth gradually over time. Under no circumstance should you use Invisalign as a sports mouthguard. It’s a special aligner that fixes teeth, but it’s too thin to protect teeth from an impact. Use a sports mouthguard and store Invisalign in its case until after play ends.

Can I Wear A Sports Mouthguard At Night?

While Invisalign can protect your teeth at night since they are made to be worn at night as well, sports mouthguards do not serve as nightguards against grinding and can actually cause damage to your teeth. If you need a nightguard, talk to your orthodontist.

Are There Sports Mouthguards For People In Braces?

Yes, there are sports mouthguards for people wearing braces. These sports mouthguards are special because they protect both your upper and lower teeth. Sudden impacts can not only damage your teeth but can also damage your hardware as well. And let’s face it, braces are expensive enough as it is, so you don’t want to damage them.  These are custom-made to fit over your teeth and braces by coating the hardware with a special wax in order to make an impression from which the mouthguard is made.

Can Dr. Scott Ralph Make A Custom Sports Mouthguard For Me?

Dr. Ralph can absolutely make a custom sports mouthguard for you! If you need or want a custom sports mouthguard, Dr. Ralph will take an impression of your teeth and can have a mouthguard for you fairly quickly. It will fit comfortably over your teeth and keep your teeth safe.

Contact Us Today!

Dr. Scott Ralph Orthodontist cares about your teeth. Wearing a sports mouthguard is a common-sense step you can take to keep your teeth and your braces safe. Dr. Ralph proudly serves Spokane, Liberty Lake, and surrounding communities in Washington State. He has been providing mouthguards in addition to orthodontic treatments such as braces to patients for many years. If you need a sports mouthguard or additional information, call our office at 509-892-9284 today!


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