Happy July from Dr. Scott Ralph Orthodontics! We hope everyone is having a sunny and safe start to their summer.
To celebrate the warm summer months Dr. Ralph plans on staying active and spending as much time in the great outdoors as possible. Especially since he is lucky enough to have so many awesome lakes, rivers, and trails nearby! Some of his favorite spots are Priest Lake, the Pend O’Reille River, and biking along the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes. When Dr. Ralph leaves his house for the day he makes sure he has his essential travel items: his favorite hat, sunglasses, a good pair of walking shoes, sun protection and as many family and friends as possible.
When the weather starts to heat up there’s nothing quite like cooling down with a delicious treat. Dr. Ralph suggests watermelon and fruit popsicles as healthy alternatives to sugar-filled treats. Yes, you read that right. There are a variety of low sugar popsicle options available, even spicy popsicles if you feel brave! To keep your smile healthy Dr. Ralph urges patients to limit sugary drinks and always follow a sugary drink with a glass of water. Sipping on sugary drinks is not a good idea, as it lengthens your teeth’s exposure time to sugar.
Times are a little challenging right now, but know that you are not alone and that we are all going through this process together. Have a fun summer everyone and be safe!

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